What is Learning Design?
What is Learning Design?
Learning design is the process of creating accessible student-centered learning experiences through planned and sequenced activities. It is a complex process that involves many different elements, including learning objectives, content, activities, and assessments. It also includes a method for evaluating and iterating. It is a holistic and iterative approach to designing education that is grounded in research and best practices.
Learning designers are concerned with how learners acquire knowledge and skills, as well as what type of learning experience is most effective in a particular context. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the intended learning outcomes of any given course or training program before beginning the process. This helps ensure that the learning design will be successful in meeting those goals. It also makes it easier to evaluate the success of a program once it is implemented.
In addition to having a clear understanding of the desired learning outcomes, a good learning designer is familiar with various educational theories and models. This allows them to make informed decisions about the different elements of a learning program, including its content, structure, and sequence. This knowledge can be gained through professional development, reading books and articles, attending webinars, and even networking with peers in the field.
One of the most important things that a learning designer needs to understand is who they are designing for: the humans! This means that the learning design process must always be rooted in empathy with the people who will be participating in the program. It must be able to understand their skills, interests, and challenges. This can be not easy to do, but it is essential if a learning program is to be considered adequate.
Another critical aspect of learning design is understanding how to support the learner throughout the learning process. This can be done through a variety of different strategies, such as providing feedback, allowing learners to resolve queries through discussion forums, and providing social learning opportunities. While these strategies are not new, they are increasingly being used in conjunction with traditional learning methods to create more immersive and interactive educational experiences.
The Learning Design Process
Learning design is a process that begins with understanding the needs of your learners. This is done through research, observation, and interviewing. By understanding their motivation, what they already know, and how they learn best, you can create a meaningful learning experience that will achieve your goals. It also involves knowing what they’re trying to accomplish and what their current skill level is. Then, you can figure out the right level of instruction for them to achieve the desired outcome.
The next step is analysis. This is where the LxD team determines the entry level of the learner and the level of achievement they’re aiming for. It’s also at this stage that the team decides what types of learning activities to use and how they will be delivered.
From here, the LxD team can begin to design. This includes creating an outline and developing the script, selecting the user interface and environment (e.g., an LMS, a learning app, or a gamification platform), deciding on the time frame, and mapping out the assessment methods. This is also the stage where they begin thinking about what type of media to use (videos, graphics or text) and how it will all fit together.
Once the design is complete, the team can test it out with the learners. This is an integral part of the process because it allows them to see how the program works with the actual audience. It can also help them know if it meets the objectives they set out in the analysis phase. This may also lead to a redesign or tweaking of the original design.
Throughout the learning design process, it’s important to seek feedback continually. By incorporating the results of these tests and the input that learners provide, the LxD team can ensure they’re designing the most effective and accessible program possible. This is how they can zero in on a solution that really works for the people they’re targeting.
One of the best ways to get feedback is through xAPI, which stands for Experience API. This is a protocol that makes it easier to collect data and records about the experiences of your learners, both online and offline.
The Learning Design Model
Learning design models are a set of guidelines for creating instructional strategies and activities that support specific learning objectives. They help guide the development of online training courses, eLearning, instructor-led training, and face-to-face learning. Some of the most popular learning design models include the ADDIE model, the SAM model, the learning circle framework, and the backward design model. Learning design also incorporates design thinking, a process, and a mindset that takes a human-centered approach to problem-solving and promotes a creative, human-centered approach to instructional strategy creation.
Learning objective:
The learning objective is the big picture of what learners should be able to do at the end of the lesson/course/module. It is used to guide the design of learning activities, assessments, and course content. This is the most essential part of the learning design process and should be clearly defined from the start.
Using real-life scenarios is an effective way to make learning more relevant and engaging for the learner. This type of learning design practice can be used for a wide variety of topics and disciplines, from basic computer skills to developing a new manufacturing process.
Methods used in this type of learning design can range from presenting the material through interactive presentations to role-playing and simulated scenarios to group projects or open-ended problems that require collaboration with other learners.
The evaluation of learning can be done through various methods, including quizzes, gamification, and more formal reviews or assessments. This is a crucial step in the learning design process because it can provide feedback to the designer and the learner, identify gaps in knowledge, and improve overall learning outcomes. One of the most powerful tools in evaluating learning is xAPI, or Tin Can API, which allows for the recording and reporting of a wide range of experiences that take place both online and offline. These records are then stored in a Learning Record Store (LRS). Having access to this data makes it possible to measure the impact of learning programs and the effectiveness of instructional strategies.
The Learning Design Framework
Learning design is a framework for the planning of teaching and learning activities. The framework defines the purpose of each activity and describes the process by which they are accomplished. It also provides the student with a guide to what is expected of them. This allows students to understand the course material better and improve their chances of success. The framework is divided into two parts: the pedagogy and the curriculum. Each part consists of specific activities that are designed to meet the needs of students.