What is 17 mm in Inches?


Seventeen millimeters to inches conversion tool will easily convert millimeters to inches.

An inch (abbreviated ‘in’ or ”) is the unit of length used in US Customary and British Imperial units systems. Additionally, it is commonly employed within the metric system, where its equivalent can be defined as exactly 2.54 centimeters.

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Seventeen millimeters converted to inches equals 0.669 inches, so using this converter is easy to convert millimeters to inches. Enter your target millimeter number and click ‘Convert’; your result will be presented in decimal form with fractional inches on either side represented as numbers to the right of the decimal. Furthermore, you have an option for rounding results if desired.

The inch, more commonly abbreviated as “in,” is an imperial and United States customary unit of length measuring 1/36 of a yard, traditionally understood to be 1/12th of a foot. As a decimal unit with 15 significant digits of precision, there are 12 inches per foot and 36 in one yard; its origin can be traced back to Roman uncia and has close links with the centimeter unit of measurement.

The millimeter, commonly abbreviated as “mm,” is a decimal unit of length measuring one-thousandth of a meter. Ten millimeters equal one inch; therefore, this measure may also be abbreviated “mil”; in the US, this expression often skips spaces between millimeters and inches when writing it out.


The inch is an imperial and United States customary system unit of measurement. It consists of one-twelfth of a foot and three-fourths of one yard; its name derives from Roman uncia or twelfth of a foot; modern definition of an inch: 254 millimeters precisely; used for height/weight measurements as well as engineering calculations – often considered imperial rather than metric!

This converter makes converting 17mm to inches easy and swift. Simply enter your number of millimeters, and the converter will instantly show you its equivalent in inches. Alternatively, if desired, round off to the nearest fractional inches by selecting that portion of decimals to the right of the decimal point and multiplying that value with the precision value of choice.

To determine the width of an object in millimeters (mm), divide its length by its circumference on an imaginary circle or cylinder used for measurement. This formula makes calculating width metrically easy. For inches measurements, use a ruler to mark off an accurate distance on an object or make an estimate by eyeball.


Height refers to the vertical distance from one point to another or from a surface to its apex or base. A building’s height can be defined as its distance from ground level up to its highest point; measuring objects typically means measuring in meters. However, they can also be expressed using inches, feet, or yards as measurements of their heights.

The inch (abbreviated as either “in” or “) is a unit of measurement in both imperial and United States customary systems, representing one-tenth of a foot and 1/36th of a yard. Not to be confused with a millimeter, a decimal unit that uses symbol.

Finding out how many inches 17 mm equals can be done using the conversion formula: 17 mm = 0.669 in. Once this number has been found, round it to its nearest inch using this method: to round to the nearest 1/16 inch, multiply it by 16, and add one decimal place after the decimal point – giving a result that rounds down to 1.3317 as its value.


Inches are a unit of measurement commonly used in the United States and some other countries, measuring length, width, and height, among other physical attributes. They’re often confused with millimeters but are different units of measure altogether: millimeters represent one-thousandth of a meter, while inches represent one-twelfth of a foot.

There are many applications of inches, from describing jewelry sizes and temperatures of beverages to measuring construction projects on blueprints or building codes. Knowing how to convert inches and millimeters is, therefore, vital to use appropriate measurements for projects.

For conversion of 17 millimeters to inches, simply enter the number of millimeters into the converter and click “Convert.” It will provide a result in decimal form that can be rounded to the nearest fraction by using several digits right of decimal point or whether or not rounding should occur upwards or downwards. You also have the option of rounding results up or down as needed.