Michigan Law and Unmarried Couples


Michigan law states that any man and woman engaging in “lewd and lasciviously associated and cohabiting conduct” violates state statute. Though seldom enforced, this 1931 statute carries with it up to one-year imprisonment and a $1,000 fine as possible penalties.

One state lawmaker wants to repeal what one law firm calls Michigan’s silliest law. Read on for more details of the proposed changes.

Patient Advocate Designations

Patient advocate designation is a legal document in which you appoint someone else to represent your interests should you become incapable of communicating independently. Similar to a power of attorney, but also covering advance directives. In Michigan, this document is known as “Medical Power of Attorney.” Your medical power of attorney must include provisions allowing its agent to exercise their powers only when you become incapable of making or participating in your own healthcare decisions. The document must be written and executed before two witnesses, who cannot include your doctor, proposed patient advocate, or employees from entities offering treatment services.

Kreis Enderle Law Firm reports that Michigan recently passed a bill in its state Senate to overturn Michigan’s decades-long prohibition of unmarried couples living together without being married, which dates back to 1931 and criminalizes cohabitation, carrying penalties of up to one year in jail and $1,000 fine for violators.

Repealing this law was widely supported by Democrats in the Senate, with nine Republicans voting against it and moving it onward to be debated in the House. One senator who opposed it noted that he did not believe it would equalize unmarried couples’ tax benefits with those available to married couples.

Another senator who opposed the bill stated it was time to bring Michigan into the 21st century by repealing this archaic cohabitation law, citing his concerns over its effect on society’s moral values and how cohabitation reduces the resilience of marriage, an essential pillar of a stable community. Previous attempts by lawmakers at repealing Michigan’s antiquated cohabitation statute had failed. Only Mississippi has an identical law; Mississippi’s nonpartisan fiscal agency maintains that repeal will not have impactful ramifications on state or local budgets.

HIPAA (Federal Privacy Law) Forms

As well as creating documents for clients, it is also vital that your employees are trained on how to appropriately handle protected health information (PHI) and patient privacy. HIPAA training must be provided for any employee who accesses PHI during their work duties – this requirement holds regardless of where your healthcare organization operates in any given state; all employees should understand how best to comply with HIPAA legislation.

Michigan is currently one of two states that criminalize cohabitation between unmarried men and women, a law dating back to 1931 that has carried a one-year prison sentence and a fine of up to $1,000 for such conduct. But recently, the Michigan Senate voted in favor of repealing it – all Democrats and half of Republicans voted yes while nine opposed due to concerns that unmarried couples will claim tax benefits that only apply when married couples live together.

This legislation, expected to pass the House before being sent to Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for her signature, would delete language in state code that criminalizes unmarried couples for “lewdly and lasciviously associating and cohabiting together.” While this bill would still prohibit public acts of lewdness, its implementation wouldn’t apply directly to couples living together.

Aside from alleviating legal disputes over property and debt when ending a relationship, this new bill could also provide couples with tools to plan for the future. Unmarried couples could use cohabitation agreements similar to prenuptial agreements to outline property division in case of divorce, financial support arrangements, and debt planning considerations, among other aspects. Kreis Enderle Law firm can assist in exploring all available options to protect your and your loved one’s interests by offering services such as trusts, powers of attorney, and more – contact us to set up a consultation today!

Durable Power of Attorney

With more unmarried couples becoming eligible for estate plans, so does their need for comprehensive ones. Michigan attorneys offer services to assist unmarried couples with this process and to draft a power of attorney that meets their legal needs. In creating this document, an individual designates someone they trust as their agent should they become incapacitated; this could include their spouse, adult child, or close friend – although backup agents should also be listed just in case their first choice cannot fulfill his or her role.

A power of attorney is a handy document. An agent appointed under this document can decide finances, property, investments, and life support without consulting their principal first. However, when creating this document, both parties must understand its limitations as an agent who abuses his powers could face legal ramifications for his actions; additionally, an agent acting without their principal’s knowledge can also meet the consequences for their actions.

Unmarried couples face one of the most significant disadvantages when living together without marriage – an absence of tax benefits, health coverage, and property protections to which married couples are entitled. But this situation is beginning to change thanks to legislation recently approved in Michigan’s Senate.

Technically, cohabitation by unmarried couples remains illegal in Michigan due to an archaic 1931 law known as Michigan’s silliest law enacted in 1931, according to Kreis Enderle law firm.

Senate bipartisan leaders recently approved a bill to repeal Michigan’s antiquated policy of disinheriting unmarried couples from estate and probate planning benefits, setting it off on its journey through both houses of the legislature. If approved by both houses of the legislature, it should pass swiftly before being signed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D). This change should help to bring Michigan into modernity while giving unmarried couples equal estate and probate planning advantages as married ones.

Healthcare Power of Attorney

If you live with someone who is not married in Michigan, if they pass away or become incapacitated, they could need your help accessing health care benefits comparable to spouses. State lawmakers are working on fixing this. The Democratic-controlled Senate recently passed a bill repealing an antiquated law prohibiting cohabitation among unmarried couples; now headed back for approval in the House before heading off to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who could sign it into law.

Legislation proposed by Sen. Stephanie Chang would amend the state code to remove a provision that makes it a misdemeanor for unmarried people to engage in cohabitating openly or with lascivious intent, changing penalties into fines instead. Mississippi also has similar legislation on its books, with offenders facing fines of up to $500. Her measure received majority support among Democratic members, while nine Republicans opposed it.

Some Republicans who voted against this measure do not support repealing it because they believe married parents should raise children. In contrast, others suggest this shift is simply acknowledging society has changed and is no longer relevant.

Even if you’re not married yet, however, you can still take steps to ensure your partner can make medical decisions on your behalf. Most states allow individuals to create simple documents stating their preferred medical treatments in case they become incapable of communicating their wishes; such documents are known as advanced healthcare directives or living wills and frequently contain durable power of attorney for health or financial affairs.

When an illness or injury prevents an individual from making decisions independently, many states list spouses, adult children, and parents as eligible to make medical and financial decisions on your behalf. But unless these documents have been prepared beforehand by either of you, state laws prevent these people from making these decisions on your behalf, regardless of whether you’re living together or apart.