Teaser of the Ajay Devgn and Tabu-starrer thriller Drishyam 2 was launched at 12 pm at the moment. The one minute-22 second-long teaser begins with the occasions from the earlier Drishyam instalment and additional goes on to indicate Devgn recording what looks as if a confession video. The Singham 2 and Runway 34 actor goes on to say, “Mera naam Vijay Salgaonkar hai aur ye mera confession hain.”
The teaser was shared on Twitter by movie critic and commerce analyst Taran Adarsh. Adarsh wrote, “AJAY DEVGN: ‘DRISHYAM 2’ TEASER ARRIVES…. The case reopens… Drishyam 2 recall teaser out now… Stars Ajay Devgn… Costars Akshaye Khanna, Tabu, Shriya Saran, Rajat Kapoor and Ishita Dutta… Directed by Abhishek Pathak… In *cinemas* 18 November 2022.”
Devgn additionally shared the teaser on Twitter and wrote, “Vijay aur uske parivaar ki kahaani toh yaad hogi na aapko? Ki yaad dilaye? Drishyam 2 in cinemas on 18th November, 2022.”
Drishyam 2 is the sequel of the 2015 movie Drishyam, directed by Nationwide Award winner Nishikant Kamat and in addition a remake of the 2021 Malayalm movie Drishyam 2 starring Mohanlal. The movie revolves round Vijay Salgaonkar, a fourth fail cable firm proprietor who lives along with his spouse Nandini and daughters Anju and Anu in a hilly city in Goa. Other than his household, Vijay loves cinema and is a giant film buff. An unlucky incident of their daughter’s life lands them in entrance of IG Meera Deshmukh.
The movie, which can launch on November 18 this 12 months, has been directed by Abhishek Pathak and options Ajay Devgn, Tabu, Shriya Saran, Ishita Dutta, Mrunal Jadhav and Rajat Kapoor in important roles. Taal actor Akshaye Khanna can even be seen essaying a pivotal function within the movie. Drishyam 2 has been collectively produced by Bhushan Kumar, Abhishek Pathak, Kumar Mangat Pathak and Krishan Kumar. Viacom18 Studios, Panorama Studios and T-Collection will current the upcoming Ajay Devgn whodunit.
Additionally learn: Ajay Devgn’s Drishyam 2 ‘recall teaser’ to be out at the moment; test particulars right here
Additionally learn: ‘Drishyam 2’: Ajay Devgn, Tabu, Shriya Saran starrer to launch on November 18
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