Acquire Revised Game Review


The Acquire Revised video game is an exciting business simulation that allows you to invest in and grow businesses. These businesses will eventually merge with other chains, and you’ll gain a large bonus when you become the majority stockholder. You can reinvest the bonus in other chains or cash out at the current value. The game is a great way to learn about new industries and business models. It’s an addictive strategy game for players of all skill levels.


If you’re a newcomer to the Acquire card game, you should familiarize yourself with the game’s rules. The game’s rules are straightforward: each player gets a deck of five cards, one of which can be played once. Players can play any card at any time during the game, though only one may be played on any given turn. The rules of the Acquire game were originally published by the Avalon Hill Game Company.

Players must collect the most money at the end of each round to win the game. They can do this by forming new corporations, buying stocks at the right time, or merging with other chains. Players can also cash out their stocks at current prices. Each player is given a set number of turns and must complete all three steps to move on to the next round. However, the rules of the game may vary slightly based on the version of the game.

Some players have suggested a few changes to the game’s rules. These include not dispersing the stock at the start of the game, allowing players to buy as much stock as they want during one turn, and placing turn order tiles directly on the board. Carson notes that the game is more fun when played with at least four people. These are only a few suggestions he made for the game. However, no matter the changes, this game will surely be a hit.

A successful strategy in the Acquire card game is to become a majority shareholder in a large corporation and then merge it with a rival. This is a great way to get a lot of cash, but it can also be risky. If you’re looking to maximize your chances of success, observing other players is important to determine if you can make a similar move. One way to spot a potential disaster is to watch out for unexpected shares purchases by the other player. Whether the other player is doing this or not, it’s important to keep your eye on their moves.


The Acquire game is a multi-player board game focusing on mergers and acquisitions. The players purchase stock certificates and play money representing hotel chains. Their goal is to accumulate the most money by developing hotel chains. When a larger one acquires one hotel chain, the players’ stocks will liquidate. The game is one of a series of 3M bookshelf games published in the 1960s.

The Acquire board game was designed by Sid Sackson and is aimed at players over the age of twelve. The game can be played with two to six players, although it is most often played with four players. Each player draws a tile from a deck and must place their tiles on the board to collect their cash. Once each player has collected their money, they can purchase stock in other corporations.

Price ranges

The first version of the Acquire game was a Milton Bradley Lotto. In 1962, game designer Sid Sackson, who had played the game as a child, reworked it to become a wargame called Lotto War. In 1962, Sid Sackson was commissioned by 3M to create a new games division. In 1963, Sackson submitted a game called Vacation to the company. ThreeM changed the name to Acquire, and production began in 1964. The following year, 3M sold the game division to Avalon Hill.


Before playing the Acquire game, you should know its requirements. This game is intended for people over the age of 12. It supports two to six players and can last between sixty and ninety minutes. It is a strategy game and requires planning and forward thinking. You should also have a basic knowledge of the stock market. This game is fun, but it is not appropriate for children.

The game requires players to invest strategically in various businesses. As a result of these investments, the businesses merge, and most owners receive sizable bonuses. These bonuses can be reinvested into other chains, or the stocks can be cashed out at their current value. This is an investment game, and players must compete to acquire the most wealth. The game’s requirements include each player’s level of expertise and experience in the stock market.

Acquire is a classic board game that is still as enjoyable and innovative as it was when it first came out. Despite its simple start-up, easy strategy, and new artwork, this game is a favorite for many gamers. It reminds me of classic board games and is a great bargain. If you’re looking for a new game to get the family together, Acquire is a perfect choice. A few hours of fun with this game is well worth it!

Acquire began life as a Milton Bradley lotto game. Sid Sackson played Lotto as a child and later reworked the game into a wargame known as Lotto War. In 1962, 3M commissioned him to develop a games division. In 1963, he presented his Vacation game to the company. 3M suggested a name change to Acquire, and production began in 1964.


The objective of the acquire game is to obtain wealth. You can do this through a variety of means. There are three important resources in the acquire game. The first is money. The second is resources. Increasing each of these will help you progress further. However, each resource can be acquired through different routes. For these reasons, it is important to know your objectives before starting a game. This way, you can choose a route to help you meet your goals.

In the Acquire game, you will have to invest in various businesses. As you progress through the game, you will earn cash and stocks through the mergers and acquisitions of other businesses. The most successful players will have the most personal wealth at the end of the game. Those with the most personal wealth will win. However, to obtain this wealth, you must spend your time wisely. You should take advantage of all the resources you have available to you.

In Acquire, the objective is to become the player with the most money at the end of the game. This requires you to act as a smart investor and make decisions that will give you the most income. One smartest move you can make is merging your businesses to receive bonuses. In addition, purchasing stocks will increase your chances of winning. To make the most money possible, you will need to know the best time to invest in different companies.

Besides gaining wealth, the main objective in Acquire is to complete all the steps required to become the richest player. Acquire is a game that requires players to complete three different steps during their turns. During their turn, each player plays a tile onto the board. They can also draw a new tile from the cluster during this step. The player must complete these three steps before the next player can start playing.