The Americans With Disabilities Act


Title I

Originally passed as Public Law, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is a landmark civil rights legislation that protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination. It guarantees equal opportunity in employment, housing, transportation, recreation, communications, and services.

The law was amended in 2009 when the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was passed. The Act clarified the timeframe for discriminatory compensation to be paid. It also changed the name of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. It was later published in volume 42 of the United States Code.

Title II of the ADA covers state and local governments. It prohibits discrimination by government entities. All programs and activities must be accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities. It prohibits discrimination in job training, hiring, advancement, compensation, and discharge procedures. It also provides remedies for discrimination by covered entities.

Section 501 of the ADA requires affirmative action in employment by executive branch agencies. It also prohibits discrimination in Federal employment by contractors and federal programs that receive financial assistance. It provides for an investigation by the Attorney General and a periodic review of compliance by the agency. The Act does not apply to foreign operations of a United States person. It also requires that public accommodations be accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities. The Act applies to buildings owned or operated by the government and other places open to the public.

Besides these four significant areas of discrimination, the law also addresses miscellaneous provisions. For example, the Act requires that closed captioning be provided on public service announcements funded by the government. It also needs telecommunications relay services to be available for speech-impaired callers. It also requires that courses and examinations in professional and trade applications be accessible to people with disabilities. It prohibits discrimination in health care, courts, voting, and social services. It also requires that public transportation and communications be accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities. It prohibits the denial of access to the Nation’s telephone system by standard carriers. The Act also allows remanufacturing of historic vehicles on segments of light rail systems.

Lastly, the Act requires that public transportation authorities make reasonable faith efforts to purchase buses that are accessible. They must also provide paratransit. A paratransit service is for those with disabilities who cannot use regular transit independently. It is provided by private entities that operate transportation services. These services include bus lines, airport shuttles, charter buses, and taxi services.

The ADA defines disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual. It also provides that individuals with disabilities shall be given access to goods, services, facilities, advantages, and accommodations in the most integrated setting. A person with a disability must provide proof of their protected class status to obtain protection under the law. In addition, the law requires that the entity providing the accommodation must inform the person of the non-compliance. It must then provide reasonable accommodations if the person requests them.