10 Mistakes You Can Make While Trying to Sell a Yacht


Do you think you can sell anything? try to sell yachts for a living, and you will know how difficult sales can be. Some serious mistakes are made by salespeople all around the world when trying to see boats. Here is a list of 10 mistakes you can make while trying to sell a yacht. How to sell my yacht.

1) Cold calling: Cold calling has become an international annoyance worldwide; finance companies, coupon sellers to beauty products; are all cold calling. People are spending money to buy call filters to avoid these cold callers; they call you in the worst times. Simple logic here is, for example, even if you are interested in buying a magazine subscription. Still, you are not interested in buying it when you are watching your favorite TV show or having a conversation with your friend. So even the right things but at the wrong time will not work. Moreover, cold calling is an old marketing tool, and the new generation relates cold calling with scammers and stock brokers trying to steal your money.

2) Expensive advertisements in yachting magazines: Although this may sometimes help your brand promotion, the amount of money you spend on these advertisements and the feedback you get is just not sensible. There are some excellent magazines, however, and one should know how to differentiate between a real magazine that goes to the people and has valuable and helpful content versus one that ends up sitting on doctors’ tables with pretty pictures.

3) Trying to be the cheapest: This could work for some other products, but it usually does not work for yachts. That does not mean it’s not a price-sensitive industry. It certainly is, but you have to understand the value your product provides. You should understand your customer’s requirements and try your best to meet them. Especially if you deeply understand the product, you can also understand when many brands are cutting corners to compete with prices.

4) Bragging and promising everything is perfect: Sometimes, bragging can get you sales, but very soon will get you into trouble that you wish you didn’t have. Over-promising and not meeting demands can get you into legal problems with an angry customer. But like most sensible buyers, they don’t fall for the overselling trap. A rational customer can understand when you are bragging and being honest.

Things like, “this is the best quality” or “this is a world-class brand” does not make much sense to a sensible buyer, and he has likely heard that from almost all the salesmen he has seen. So understand all potential problems that can arise. According to your previous sales or sales done by another salesman, don’t hesitate to discuss the last salesperson’s issues had in the sale and they were was corrected. Being able to fix a problem is much more valuable than just saying there will never be a problem.

5) Not giving people the full price indication: Buying a new yacht is not as simple; there is a price for a boat, and then there are prices for all the options that the customer can choose, then there is a price of shipping, making a cradle, export taxes, import taxes, local deliveries, terminal port charges, etc. If you don’t know these, then find out by contacting your local sources and giving a full indication of the price to a customer. If you try to hide a cost, think that let the customer first book an order, and then we will let him know when it’s too late to back out. Then you are in for a legal surprise.

6) Criticizing your competitor: This is also one of the dumbest things a salesperson can do. It quickly reflects the salesperson’s personality and repels genuine buyers rather than impresses them. The best thing to do is to find the value in your product and service rather than criticizing the competitors. If you have some serious concerns about any other brands’ technical aspects, then recommend that your customer do more research on that area or consult a surveyor.

7) Typecasting your customers: Customers come in all shapes, sizes, and races. Suppose you cater to only ones who are well dressed and looking rich or go after famous names. In that case, you will soon be only entertaining the customers without any returns, for each customer or a lead which could be a buyer’s secretary asking for details or a walk-in customer. Be polite, down-to-earth, and courteous. Even if you are not naturally charming, being a good listener helps.

Remember, always do more hearing than talking and have a sincere interest in what the person is saying. I was shocked once that none of the brokers entertained this group of people because they were from a particular country; where I just had to welcome them to my office and listen to their requirements and give them a quotation. They turned out to be employees of a 5-star hotel and purchased three new motor yachts from us. When I asked them why they chose me among so much competition, they told me I was the only one who took them seriously.

8) Trying to prove you know everything: You may think it’s necessary to impress people by letting them know you understand everything about yachts and yachting. But unfortunately, there are many aspects to it, such as manufacturing process, engineering, marine architecture, interior design, navigation, electrical and technical maintenance. It’s not easy to be an expert in all these. So if a customer asks you something you do not know, don’t give them bull**** to look smart because the customers typically verify facts from many sources, and you don’t want to be a liar and lose your credibility. If you don’t know something, say, “I don’t know, but I will try my best to find this out for you,” or recommend a surveyor or an expert on a particular subject that the customer is interested in.

9) Overselling: I know some people don’t admit it even after they see visible damage or a problem. For example, at one time, when a client walked on the deck of the boat, the deck floor made a crackling noise, which could either mean the deck structure had some problem or could be numerous other issues.

Still, the right way would be to have someone check the boat or open the hatch and do some inspection underneath and tell the customer that this could be a point of concern, so let’s note it down and check further on this if you are interested in the purchase. Instead of this, a friend of mine was quick and loud in saying, but this is not a problem; it’s a minor issue; we can fix it when you confirm the purchase. The customer did not like this and immediately walked away from the deal.

10) Over suggestions: A client is looking for a 50 feet yacht, but you don’t have a good one available, then you say, hey! Why don’t you buy a 45-footer instead? I can get you a much better discount. The customer displays are excellent, but I am looking for more room inside the yacht and a more extensive deck for my family and friends within my budget. And you say, oh yes, why don’t you add an extra bed, and we can extend the back of the boat and create a better deck space. Or wait, why don’t you eliminate your friends and limit your family to come on board and enjoy the yacht?

You are not looking to help the customer but asking him to buy what you have available to sell. Of course, a polite suggestion is welcome, and if the customer shows interest and asks related questions, you can explore the possibility more. But there is a difference between suggesting and sticking something onto a customer. A sensible customer again would wrap up the meeting with you quickly and move on to the next agent.

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